renounce violence 13.89   They must renounce violence.
  renounce use 4.94   Musharraf refuses to renounce use of nuclear weapons.
  renounce terrorism 4.21   Iran has not renounced terrorism.
  renounce right 3.36   Renounced the rights to G Bryce Drew.
  renounce citizenship 2.63   She renounced her citizenship.
  renounce claim 2.44   He renounced his claim to the French throne.
  renounce membership 0.72   Three of the four went on to renounce Mafia membership.
  renounce support 0.66   Yet on Tuesday, Squires renounced her support for the idea.
  renounce treaty 0.66   Ecuador later renounced the treaty.
  renounce war 0.66   Article Nine of the Japanese constitution renounced war as a way to resolve disputes.
  renounce threat 0.59   A senior Chinese general, Xiong Guangkai, warned Tuesday of conflict if China renounces its threat of force against the island.
  renounce allegiance 0.53   The government also ordered Catholics to renounce allegiance to the Pope.
  renounce arm 0.53   The NAM urged Israel to renounce nuclear arms and sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
  renounce belief 0.46   The church accused him of heresy and forced him to renounce his beliefs.
  renounce force 0.46   Taiwan renounces force to retake the mainland, and informal talks begin with China.
  renounce plan 0.46   But at the same time, he said Arafat must renounce plans to declare statehood and take steps to end the violence in the region.
  renounce struggle 0.46   He has renounced armed struggle since his arrival, but the war continues.
  renounce communism 0.39   The Northern-born Kim has never renounced communism.
  renounce faith 0.39   An apostate, who renounces the faith, by his act separates himself from the community of believers.
  renounce goal 0.39   He eventually backed off, but never renounced his goal.
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