renewed interest 18.10   It spawned renewed interest in running.
  renewed violence 14.22   The renewed violence.
  renewed concern 10.34   The report renewed concern Japanese trade surplus will keep ballooning.
  renewed effort 9.94   But renewed efforts to open peace talks have failed.
  renewed attack 6.85   The renewed attacks cost the fighters dearly.
  renewed call 6.32   The deaths have renewed calls for change.
  renewed talk 6.06   A Saudi newspaper hailed the renewed talks.
  renewed pressure 5.99   Milosevic came under renewed pressure from abroad.
  renewed confidence 5.79   Mark is feeling renewed confidence, too.
  renewed tension 5.40   The targeted killings came at a time of renewed tension.
  renewed war 5.00   Certainly, one thing could be a renewed war.
  renewed optimism 4.87   The new leadership has brought renewed optimism.
  renewed speculation 4.74   In Copenhagen, banks rose on renewed speculation about mergers.
  renewed attention 4.61   Renewed attention on Myanmar may not bring change.
  renewed hope 4.41   But there were renewed hopes for a ceasefire.
  renewed vigor 3.88   She poked it again with renewed vigor.
  renewed commitment 3.82   He has a renewed spiritual commitment.
  renewed fear 3.55   But the sense of relief has given way to renewed fears.
  renewed conflict 3.49   Otherwise, it said, renewed conflict was inevitable.
  renewed demand 3.42   But he expressed some concern about the renewed demand for dollars.
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