relax rule 8.56   But relaxing the rules exacted a cost.
  relax restriction 8.23   Ireland relaxed some restrictions Friday.
  relax control 3.88   Mahathir had relaxed the controls once before.
  relax ban 3.23   Some nations want the ban relaxed earlier.
  relax regulation 3.09   They also urged the government to relax the regulation.
  relax muscle 2.63   It relaxes your muscles.
  relax law 2.50   He is believed to want to relax those laws.
  relax grip 2.30   He relaxed his grip on my arm.
  relax requirement 2.04   Some are relaxing dress requirements.
  relax policy 1.91   He said members should be fined if they try to relax their policies.
  relax sanction 1.71   Last year, it relaxed the sanctions to allow a first oil-for-food sale.
  relax standard 1.65   Wangberg insists that he never relaxed his standards.
  relax body 0.92   She relaxes her body.
  relax guard 0.86   Even alumni who support the decision are not relaxing their guard.
  relax curb 0.79   He called for relaxing the curbs by expanding humanitarian exemptions.
  relax effort 0.79   Jiang said China must not relax efforts in economic control and family planning.
  relax condition 0.66   Blaskic, whose detention conditions were relaxed recently, has denied the charges.
  relax embargo 0.66   Cook gave no date for relaxing the embargo.
  relax mind 0.66   However, it is important to look first at how to relax your mind.
  relax pressure 0.66   And it may temporarily relax the pressure on Congress to redesign the program.
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