region close 0.92   Simple white wine from the Veneto, a region close to Venice.
  region governor 0.66   Many were former bodyguards for Nur Misuari, a renegade former Muslim region governor currently in detention on charges of rebellion.
  region commander 0.59   Genral Ilan Biran, central region commander, oversaw the operation.
  region hit 0.53   The central province of Santa Fe is expected to be the region hardest hit by the drought.
  region need 0.53   Powell said leaders in the region need to encourage peace during the election.
  region account 0.39   The remote Magadan region accounts for the bulk of gold produced in Russia.
  region service 0.39   Still, Ameritech is continuing its battle to offer customers in its region long-distance phone service.
  region autonomy 0.33   Ethiopian government has refused to grant the region autonomy.
  region leader 0.33   She was a region leader, a mentor, making good money.
  region do 0.26   Scolari is of Veronese stock, from the Rio Grande do Sul region, considered more European than Latin American.
  region dot 0.26   Known as brownfields, these sites dot the region, the result of manufacturing and chemical processing.
  region hospital 0.26   Hospital services said the three new victims died in intensive care in three Paris region hospitals.
  region official 0.26   Scalfaro said in an address to Tuscany region officials.
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