reformist government 3.55   The reformist government is broke.
  reformist party 3.09   His Yabloko party has the highest rating among reformist parties.
  reformist newspaper 2.30   Hashemi publishes a reformist newspaper, Zan.
  reformist lawmaker 2.17   Angry reformist lawmakers stormed out of the hall in protest.
  reformist leader 1.71   The fate of reformist leader Yazdi may be telling.
  reformist candidate 1.51   He prefers reformist candidates.
  reformist journalist 1.18   Hardliners in the judiciary then began to jail reformist journalists.
  reformist minister 1.18   Vigilantes have attacked dissidents, liberal newspapers and a reformist Cabinet minister.
  reformist ally 1.05   He terrifies reformist allies with daily spending promises along the campaign trail.
  reformist deputy 0.99   Loghmanian is one of three reformist deputies to have been given prison sentences.
  reformist group 0.99   He urged the meeting participants to help unify reformist groups.
  reformist politician 0.92   He was not a radical newspaper editor or reformist politician.
  reformist president 0.92   Reformist president wins re-election, early results show.
  reformist member 0.86   That view, however, was disputed by reformist members of the Parliament.
  reformist faction 0.72   Bosnian Serb President Biljana Plavsic heads the reformist faction.
  reformist movement 0.72   Hajjarian was regarded by the diehards of the conservative camp as the master strategist of the reformist movement.
  reformist economist 0.66   Nemtsov is close to reformist economist Grigory Yavlinsky, who heads the Yabloko faction in parliament.
  reformist legislator 0.66   Other reformist legislators backed Khatami.
  reformist agendum 0.59   Khatami worked to keep his reformist agenda alive.
  reformist camp 0.59   He is considered a leading figure of the reformist camp which dominates parliament.
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