reconsider decision 21.07   They said they were reconsidering the decision.
  reconsider position 6.58   He may now have to reconsider his position.
  reconsider plan 4.48   Those plans should be reconsidered.
  reconsider policy 3.16   I hope the policy will be reconsidered.
  reconsider case 2.50   A new panel was convened to reconsider the case.
  reconsider ruling 2.44   The high court today refused to reconsider that ruling.
  reconsider issue 1.78   Parliament now has six months to reconsider the issue.
  reconsider ban 1.58   Officials later said they would reconsider the ban on talks.
  reconsider law 1.51   It refused, however, to reconsider the new tax law.
  reconsider opposition 1.51   Both groups should reconsider their opposition.
  reconsider stance 1.38   But he has since reconsidered that stance.
  reconsider option 1.18   There have been reports that some are reconsidering this option.
  reconsider relation 1.18   If not, they warned they would reconsider relations with U.N. weapons inspectors.
  reconsider move 1.12   Bensel-Meyers asked that the Senate reconsider its move.
  reconsider rejection 1.05   In light of the South Western deal, Scottish Power Friday called on Manweb to reconsider its rejection of the offer.
  reconsider matter 0.92   The FAA is reconsidering the matter now.
  reconsider support 0.86   But Congress has indicated it will reconsider its support because of the chaos in the Janata Dal.
  reconsider proposal 0.79   The board is expected to reconsider the proposal next month.
  reconsider request 0.79   He urged Japanese authorities to reconsider the request.
  reconsider refusal 0.72   Nonetheless, Meehan said in an interview that Clinton should reconsider his refusal to say that he lied.
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