recognize problem 7.44   Reagan recognized the problem.
  recognize importance 7.24   We all recognize the importance of his work.
  recognize need 6.39   But he also recognizes the need for rest.
  recognize sovereignty 6.25   No country has recognized its sovereignty.
  recognize name 6.12   I recognized the name.
  recognize value 5.46   The first step is recognizing the value.
  recognize authority 4.54   China does not recognize that authority.
  recognize state 4.54   U.S. recognizes state immediately.
  recognize government 4.48   South Africa recognizes Kabila government.
  recognize marriage 4.34   Recognize gay marriage?
  recognize right 4.02   Israel recognizes the rights of the Palestinians.
  recognize voice 3.62   She recognizes voices.
  recognize independence 3.55   No other country recognizes its independence.
  recognize result 3.55   The regime never recognized the result.
  recognize claim 3.49   Moscow does not recognize that claim.
  recognize union 3.16   The government does not recognize the union.
  recognize annexation 2.96   No other country has recognized the annexation.
  recognize danger 2.96   Lisa recognized the danger.
  recognize potential 2.90   Alou recognizes the potential for pressure.
  recognize face 2.70   They recognize your face.
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