receding hairline 2.30   Receding hairline?
  receding water 1.51   But the receding water also posed dangers.
  receding tide 0.79   Statistics shine a light on the receding tide.
  receding hair 0.53   He has receding hair.
  receding chin 0.46   He has an aquiline nose but a receding chin.
  receding expectation 0.39   The U.S. dollar slipped against the Japanese yen on receding expectations for an immediate U.S. interest rate increase.
  receding floodwater 0.39   Mud from receding floodwaters hampers rescue efforts, raises fear of cholera outbreak.
  receding concern 0.33   Receding concerns over the sharp appreciation of the yen bolstered export-oriented firms such as autos, dealers said.
  receding flood 0.33   But receding floods had left contaminated water and a serious health situation, they said.
  receding hope 0.33   Izetbegovic blamed the Bosnian Serbs for the receding hopes of peace.
  receding inflation 0.33   Receding inflation should lead to lower interest rates, do Carmo said.
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