reattach arm 1.71   Doctors reattached the arm.
  reattach tendon 0.79   Yount flew to Boston for surgery to reattach the tendons.
  reattach cable 0.72   In the repair effort the crew will have to reattach these cables.
  reattach penis 0.72   His penis was surgically reattached the day it was severed.
  reattach hand 0.46   For five years, doctors tried to fully reattach his hand.
  reattach limb 0.39   Surgeons reattached the limb.
  reattach finger 0.33   Doctors reattached the finger.
  reattach retina 0.33   His retina was reattached, and he had six operations to remove scar tissue.
  reattach head 0.26   The head was reattached over the weekend, and workmen were smoothing over the welding seam Monday.
  reattach organ 0.26   The man was rushed to hospital, but doctors were unable to surgically reattach the organ.
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