reach for 521.73   Kelly reached for his gun.
  reach in 89.53   The news reached us in Lahore.
  reach on 79.99   You can reach me on my cell phone.
  reach into 49.44   But he was reaching into his pocket.
  reach with 48.52   A singer reaches you with a song.
  reach at 39.57   He can be reached at thomas.
  reach to 19.95   Their land reaches to the river.
  reach between 17.97   A deal has been reached between over anti-Cuba legislation.
  reach beyond 14.61   And it reaches beyond Brady.
  reach by 14.42   We should reach it by dusk.
  reach after 13.82   A compromise was reached after three years.
  reach across 12.38   She could reach across the net.
  reach through 10.66   I reach through the bars for her hand.
  reach over 10.14   That is not going to reach over a mountain.
  reach during 9.35   No conclusions were reached during the probe.
  reach before 8.69   Compromise was reached before the Apple Cup.
  reach from 8.62   It cannot be reached from outside Portugal.
  reach within 5.27   A deal could be reached within a month.
  reach under 4.81   He reached under his jacket...
  reach inside 3.29   You reach inside.
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