rating system 17.38   But maybe a rating system is not so bad.
  rating agency 13.03   Rating agency Fitch Inc. agreed.
  rating company 2.11   Both rating companies say they may cut that rating again.
  rating service 1.71   Point Communications is a Web site rating service.
  rating point 1.38   NBC edged Fox by one-tenth of a rating point.
  rating scale 1.25   The global rating scale was used as described by Jaeschke.
  rating firm 0.99   A smaller rating firm, London-based IBCA, gave a subinvestment grade rating to South Africa less than two weeks ago.
  rating change 0.79   This rating change was effective Sept .
  rating downgrade 0.79   The loss combined with a rating downgrade by A.M. Best.
  rating outlook 0.79   The rating outlook was negative.
  rating cut 0.53   Kmart called the rating cuts excessively severe and unwarranted.
  rating code 0.46   Both the movie and video game industries have age-based rating code systems.
  rating action 0.39   The Marine account reported substantial premium growth following rating action.
  rating board 0.33   It was trimmed after being submitted to the rating board repeatedly.
  rating house 0.33   On Wednesday its debt was slashed to junk-bond status by Wall Street rating houses.
  rating organization 0.33   In particular, prices are essentially fixed by industry rating organizations.
  rating upgrade 0.33   The rating upgrade comes at a good time for the state.
  rating category 0.26   Plus and minus signs differentiate borrowers within a given rating category.
  rating number 0.26   Lifetime records are blended with performances over the last three years to get a final rating number.
  rating period 0.26   We are in the big rating period.
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