rake leaf 2.17   Rake the leaves.
  rake area 0.92   Storms have raked the area during the last few days.
  rake car 0.86   His car was raked with fire from automatic weapons.
  rake hand 0.72   Travis raked a hand through his hair.
  rake finger 0.46   Ken raked his fingers through his hair.
  rake soil 0.39   Rake the soil an inch down.
  rake building 0.33   A lone gunman raked the building with rifle fire in October.
  rake ground 0.33   Inmates from the jail, not including Tulloch, raked the ground nearby.
  rake yard 0.33   Wash the car or rake the yard.
  rake bus 0.26   After raking the bus with gunfire, they set in on fire.
  rake hair 0.26   Breathing hard, she raked her hair back.
  rake lawn 0.26   Rake the lawn and leave the little brown bits that remain.
  rake streetcar 0.26   In Sarajevo, Serbs raked a streetcar with automatic small-arms fire during a firefight with government forces.
  rake village 0.26   The village also was raked by rocket fire from two helicopter gunships.
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