ragged clothes 1.45   Now his three sons wear ragged clothes.
  ragged play 0.79   But the coach is willing to accept some ragged play for now.
  ragged child 0.66   Ragged children run alongside our car.
  ragged hole 0.59   He points to ragged holes above the jaw of a harbor seal.
  ragged game 0.53   The third quarter typified the ragged game.
  ragged sigh 0.39   Jack dropped into his chair and let out his breath on a ragged sigh.
  ragged band 0.33   The Taliban, a ragged band of rebel fighters, have stunned many analysts by swiftly capturing more than a third of the country.
  ragged breath 0.33   He drew a ragged breath.
  ragged column 0.33   Rifles held across their waists, they made their way to the road in a ragged column.
  ragged man 0.33   A ragged man with an automatic rifle kicked down their wooden door.
  ragged breathing 0.26   His ragged breathing.
  ragged bundle 0.26   Ragged bundles and bags of belongings were loaded into trucks.
  ragged cloud 0.26   There were only a few gulls, though, wheeling in a sky shot with ragged clouds.
  ragged force 0.26   It was unclear whether the Chechen leadership could control its ragged forces ranged across the foothills of the southern republic.
  ragged jean 0.26   Alex was wearing ragged jeans with holes in the knees.
  ragged line 0.26   Against that backdrop, a ragged line of wheelchairs slowly wends up the hill to a small, A-frame chapel.
  ragged performance 0.26   The Rangers might not have defeated many other teams with this ragged performance.
  ragged piece 0.26   And a ragged piece of metal cuts sharply into the white sky.
  ragged start 0.26   After a ragged start, Saberhagen allowed no hits or runs and walked two the next three innings.
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