radiation treatment 13.69   Radiation treatment will follow.
  radiation level 9.15   Radiation levels remained normal.
  radiation leak 8.43   There is no radiation leak.
  radiation therapy 8.43   Another treatment option is radiation therapy.
  radiation exposure 6.65   Worker radiation exposure.
  radiation dose 1.78   A radiation dose of about two roentgens a year is considered acceptable.
  radiation detector 1.51   Radiation detectors dangle from their necks.
  radiation experiment 1.45   Radiation experiments?
  radiation leakage 1.12   Officials said the accident caused no radiation leakage.
  radiation release 1.05   There was a possibility of greater radiation releases.
  radiation oncologist 0.92   Radiation oncologists blast them with X-rays.
  radiation monitor 0.86   They include a gravity sensor, a radiation monitor and a laptop computer.
  radiation expert 0.79   Beth Walker, a radiation dosage expert, glances at her chart.
  radiation damage 0.72   The constantly dividing cells of both are prone to radiation damage.
  radiation enteritis 0.72   We andothers have reported that both small intestinal and total gut transit is faster in acute radiation enteritis.
  radiation measurement 0.66   Rossi designed many instruments now used in radiation measurement.
  radiation risk 0.66   He said he was not concerned about the radiation risk.
  radiation burn 0.59   A week later, they had radiation burns.
  radiation hazard 0.53   There was no radiation hazard, its chief said.
  radiation contamination 0.46   An investigation revealed that a second worker who had handled the practice fuel rods had radiation contamination on his shoe.
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