quarterfinal match 17.18   Fernandez won that quarterfinal match.
  quarterfinal berth 4.28   One more point will net a quarterfinal berth.
  quarterfinal game 3.95   Croatia and Yugoslavia win quarterfinal games as well.
  quarterfinal round 3.03   The quarterfinal round of play begins this weekend.
  quarterfinal matchup 2.30   Two other quarterfinal matchups were set Sunday.
  quarterfinal victory 2.24   He had seven aces and four service breaks in the quarterfinal victory.
  quarterfinal opponent 1.97   Clement impressed quarterfinal opponent Kafelnikov.
  quarterfinal place 1.91   Two top-ten players bid for quarterfinal places Thursday.
  quarterfinal loss 1.45   And then they dominated Germany for much of their quarterfinal loss.
  quarterfinal clash 1.38   Just as then, this quarterfinal clash is a tossup.
  quarterfinal stage 1.32   Two of the four teams advance to the quarterfinal stage.
  quarterfinal action 0.99   The remaining four face off in sudden-death quarterfinal action.
  quarterfinal spot 0.99   Even the players are dreaming of a quarterfinal spot.
  quarterfinal win 0.99   Clijsters was hurt in her quarterfinal win over Nathalie Tauziat on Thursday.
  quarterfinal showdown 0.92   An Agassi-Sampras quarterfinal showdown is possible.
  quarterfinal series 0.79   But Sampaio Correa had the better quarterfinal series.
  quarterfinal meeting 0.72   It was the third quarterfinal meeting between the two Americans in a month.
  quarterfinal winner 0.59   The quarterfinal winners will have little time to rest.
  quarterfinal play 0.53   Its opponent in quarterfinal play will be Benfica Lisbon.
  quarterfinal replay 0.53   Arsenal plays its FA Cup quarterfinal replay next Saturday.
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