quantum physics 2.90   It was quantum physics.
  quantum computer 2.83   A quantum computer would use a unit called a qubit.
  quantum effect 1.12   Quantum effects were not confined to the small.
  quantum cryptography 0.86   Now comes quantum cryptography.
  quantum world 0.86   We have to give that up in the quantum world.
  quantum level 0.59   But at the quantum level these terms give important interference effects.
  quantum fluctuation 0.53   All the quantum fluctuations in the universe will not change the cards in your hand.
  quantum superposition 0.46   The key to this new kind of computation is a phenomenon called quantum superposition.
  quantum bit 0.33   As a result, a quantum bit in some sense contains more information than its classical counterpart.
  quantum dot 0.33   It helps to visualize how an ion channel or a quantum dot operates normally.
  quantum entanglement 0.33   Consider the case of quantum entanglement.
  quantum physicist 0.33   I think that only a small minority of quantum physicists would affirm such a view.
  quantum rule 0.33   Light is made of particles called photons, and photons obey quantum rules.
  quantum electronics 0.26   The processes of quantum electronics are a lot weirder than steam technology.
  quantum gravity 0.26   Some like quantum gravity, pulling super strings from the cosmic soup.
  quantum law 0.26   According to quantum law, the cat is both dead and alive until the box is opened.
  quantum limbo 0.26   The equations insist that a particle remains in quantum limbo until forced to make a decision.
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