punishing sanction 2.24   The action prompted the United States and other countries to announce punishing sanctions.
  punishing airstrikes 1.32   Perhaps the punishing NATO airstrikes were the last straw.
  punishing schedule 1.32   Wang has a punishing schedule.
  punishing air 1.12   The punishing NATO air strikes.
  punishing company 1.12   He also called for punishing companies that build illegally.
  punishing trade 0.92   Last year Eritrea introduced its own currency, leading to a punishing trade war.
  punishing attack 0.59   He, more than Saddam Hussein, may have saved them from two punishing attacks.
  punishing strike 0.53   Kuwaitis want more than punishing strikes against Iraq.
  punishing blow 0.46   The Rangers had Wells in trouble a couple of times but failed to deliver a punishing blow.
  punishing people 0.46   He believes, for instance, that punishing people for criminal behavior must be an absolute goal of society.
  punishing defense 0.39   Unfortunately, they face a Saints team that has a punishing defense.
  punishing loss 0.39   IMF supporters say that most investors have taken punishing losses.
  punishing raid 0.39   To the northeast, U.S. bombers fly their most punishing raids in weeks.
  punishing runner 0.39   Bettis is a punishing runner who wears down opponents.
  punishing criminal 0.33   Traumatized, young Bruce vowed to avenge their deaths by punishing criminals everywhere.
  punishing ground 0.33   The punishing ground game had another pleasant side benefit.
  punishing hit 0.33   How will McEwan respond to a punishing hit?
  punishing offender 0.33   These police roam the streets of Kabul publicly punishing offenders.
  punishing offensive 0.33   Karadzic, however, coupled his peace plea with threats against the army, on punishing offensives in north and central Bosnia.
  punishing pace 0.33   Four marriages crumbled under the punishing pace.
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