pungent smell 2.83   ...the pungent smell of burning rubber.
  pungent odor 1.12   Never mind the pungent odor of burning plastic.
  pungent aroma 0.99   Garlic has a pungent aroma.
  pungent flavor 0.59   Mustard can be substituted for the eggs for a more pungent flavor.
  pungent smoke 0.53   A pungent metallic smoke filled the air.
  pungent cheese 0.39   Government moves to ban pungent cheeses.
  pungent herb 0.33   Oregano is a pungent herb, overpowering if used alone.
  pungent fume 0.26   Even then, when she spoke, her voice was quivery and soft from the pungent fumes of the chiles.
  pungent garlic 0.26   Snails might also be edible, particularly in a pungent garlic sauce.
  pungent sauce 0.26   Serve with jasmine rice and a pungent Thai sauce.
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