pundit say 4.54   The pundits say so.
  pundit be 3.03   The pundits were half right.
  pundit predict 2.96   Pundits predicted a Republican sweep in Congress.
  pundit believe 1.38   Many pundits believe the games face trouble from within.
  pundit agree 0.59   The pundits agree.
  pundit have 0.59   The pundits have opinions.
  pundit speculate 0.59   In Washington, the pundits are speculating about when he will drop out.
  pundit suggest 0.59   Some pundits have even suggested that Clinton resign.
  pundit think 0.46   The pundits think these speeches signal a growing willingness to impeach Clinton.
  pundit call 0.39   Pundits call her astute.
  pundit get 0.39   The pundits got it right.
  pundit warn 0.39   Pundits warn that such frauds could happen again.
  pundit write 0.39   All these pinhead pundits write about me being a lame duck and all.
  pundit see 0.33   Pundits are already seeing the southerly trek as a sign of desperation.
  pundit seem 0.33   Political pundits cannot seem to decide which way NZF will jump.
  pundit forecast 0.26   Pundits forecast that the turnout in November could be the lowest on record.
  pundit note 0.26   Pundits have already noted the phenomenon of the sound bite generation.
  pundit point 0.26   Other pundits pointed to other reasons for the miscalculations.
  pundit proclaim 0.26   Pop culture pundits have proclaimed the existence of Woodstock Nation and hip-hop nation, so why not Slam Nation?
  pundit speak 0.26   Pundits spoke in grave tones of high crimes and misdemeanors.
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