pulmonary hypertension 3.88   The same goes for primary pulmonary hypertension, Isner added.
  pulmonary disease 3.03   He has pulmonary disease.
  pulmonary embolism 2.70   A pulmonary embolism can be life-threatening.
  pulmonary fibrosis 2.11   A colleague said the cause was pulmonary fibrosis.
  pulmonary anthrax 1.38   Pulmonary anthrax occurs in people who inhale the spores.
  pulmonary edema 1.25   An x-ray that shows high altitude pulmonary edema.
  pulmonary tuberculosis 1.05   The Venezuelan was diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis on Friday.
  pulmonary problem 0.86   In recent years, he suffered from recurring pulmonary problems.
  pulmonary embolus 0.53   Still, not all pulmonary emboli show up on these tests.
  pulmonary medicine 0.53   The hospital is naming its pulmonary medicine clinic for the boy.
  pulmonary specialist 0.53   Yes, he is seeing a pulmonary specialist.
  pulmonary failure 0.39   The cause was pulmonary failure, his family said.
  pulmonary infection 0.33   Doctors gave the cause as acute pulmonary infection.
  pulmonary syndrome 0.33   The cause was hantavirus pulmonary syndrome.
  pulmonary complication 0.26   The cause was pulmonary complications, said Roland Kalb, a friend.
  pulmonary form 0.26   Anthrax used as a biological warfare agent is designed to cause the pulmonary form of the disease.
  pulmonary phase 0.26   In mild to moderate infections, there are no clinical signs during the pulmonary phase of larval migration.
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