psychic power 1.25   She claims to have psychic powers.
  psychic energy 0.99   Bruno Jakob makes invisible paintings from pure psychic energy.
  psychic phenomenon 0.99   Certainly, there are psychic phenomena.
  psychic ability 0.79   Know how to develop psychic ability?
  psychic reading 0.72   Some go for psychic readings.
  psychic scar 0.59   Those psychic scars would never heal.
  psychic wound 0.59   The psychic wounds may be harder to fix.
  psychic connection 0.53   But beyond that psychic connection there are larger forces at work.
  psychic gift 0.46   Does his psychic gift drive his family nuts?
  psychic hotline 0.46   The Loretta Lynn psychic hotline?
  psychic pain 0.46   He has the positive glow of a man who has known physical pain and psychic pain and has come through to the other side.
  psychic reward 0.46   But there are psychic rewards.
  psychic damage 0.39   The worst part, though, came after she was let out and had to confront the psychic damage.
  psychic cost 0.33   One shudders at the psychic cost.
  psychic toll 0.33   There is a psychic toll.
  psychic vision 0.33   Psychic vision among tarot card readers is fine.
  psychic experience 0.26   The psychic experience of AIDS has long since infiltrated the bloodstream of American culture.
  psychic fair 0.26   I thought this was a psychic fair.
  psychic friend 0.26   Psychic friends of the world, Lou Merloni has no use for you.
  psychic healer 0.26   One friend proposed I call in a psychic healer.
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