protocol be 4.21   Protocol is power.
  protocol call 1.65   Normal protocol calls for a quick handslap.
  protocol dictate 1.12   Protocol dictates as much.
  protocol require 1.05   Protocol required his presence.
  protocol allow 0.86   The protocol allows for a revision of that labeling policy after two years.
  protocol provide 0.66   The Fort Wayne protocol also provides instruction on what to do if a missing adult is found.
  protocol have 0.53   But one executive of a prominent Internet company said the protocol would have little effect.
  protocol include 0.39   The tentative protocol does not include any new commitments for developing nations.
  protocol apply 0.33   It is not a state funeral, so the usual protocol does not apply.
  protocol make 0.33   That protocol has made it possible to standardize the electronic publication of text and graphics images.
  protocol aim 0.26   The protocol aims to fill a vacuum to cover breaches of the convention.
  protocol demand 0.26   Complex protocol demanded that Court dress conform to a set of governing principles.
  protocol envisage 0.26   The peace protocol envisaged the formation of a new national army and the return of UNITA depuites to parliament with some taking up ministerial posts.
  protocol exist 0.26   Given such limited data, no treatment protocols exist.
  protocol say 0.26   Standard protocol says there should be at least two minutes between takeoffs.
  protocol seem 0.26   At first glance, the protocol does seem promising.
  protocol take 0.26   A minimum number of signatories is required before the protocol takes effect.
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