profitable business 13.82   Nice profitable business.
  profitable company 6.39   A profitable Internet company?
  profitable venture 2.63   On the whole it was a profitable venture.
  profitable product 2.37   All of this makes Cohiba a very profitable product.
  profitable quarter 2.30   Ashton has not had a profitable quarter.
  profitable market 2.24   China could be a profitable market.
  profitable operation 2.24   It has profitable operations in several nearby states.
  profitable investment 2.17   Rental properties can be a profitable investment.
  profitable one 2.17   A profitable one, too.
  profitable year 2.04   Kopin has never had a profitable year.
  profitable crop 1.91   It is undeniably a profitable crop.
  profitable bank 1.65   Enterprise is also a very profitable bank.
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