proclaim innocence 14.02   He still proclaims his innocence.
  proclaim victory 3.82   Starkie proclaimed victory.
  proclaim independence 1.71   Ethnic Russians in the region have proclaimed their independence.
  proclaim state 1.38   Bosnian Serbs proclaim separate state.
  proclaim intention 1.18   If so, ought such intentions be proclaimed or openly signaled?
  proclaim support 0.99   Zedillo won rousing cheers when he proclaimed his support for the party.
  proclaim faith 0.86   Every president has proclaimed his faith.
  proclaim love 0.86   We had proclaimed our love.
  proclaim belief 0.53   Americans still proclaim their belief in God, but divine authority is hardly absolute.
  proclaim loyalty 0.53   Murals proclaiming undying loyalty to Britain cover the walls.
  proclaim end 0.46   Leaders on both sides of the Atlantic proclaimed the end of the Cold War.
  proclaim need 0.39   Radio shows proclaim the need for women to say no to dangerous sex.
  proclaim opposition 0.39   He also proclaimed his opposition to a state-run lottery, though he indicated that he would not object to a referendum on the issue.
  proclaim readiness 0.39   Market officials in Cairo and Rome also proclaimed their readiness for trading this week.
  proclaim solidarity 0.39   Press and provincial assemblies hastened to proclaim solidarity with the Tsar.
  proclaim virtue 0.39   There was even a banner proclaiming the virtues of breastfeeding.
  proclaim winner 0.39   The commission has yet to proclaim winners in the senatorial race.
  proclaim allegiance 0.33   Opposition leaders have proclaimed their allegiance to the new government.
  proclaim death 0.33   Live theater still lives, despite everybody proclaiming its death.
  proclaim devotion 0.33   Both Thompson and Glenn proclaimed their devotion to bipartisanship.
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