primitive form 1.97   That reasoning, historians say, illustrates a primitive form of deterrence.
  primitive art 1.78   The other is primitive art.
  primitive condition 1.71   Physicians still worked under some primitive conditions.
  primitive life 1.58   And some scientists believe primitive life might still exist underground.
  primitive people 1.18   This would not seem strange to primitive people at all.
  primitive culture 1.12   Still, like them, he was fascinated with non-Western and primitive cultures.
  primitive society 1.12   In primitive societies men have the compensation of physical strength.
  primitive tribe 1.12   Primitive Indian tribes live nearby.
  primitive man 1.05   They had no meaning for primitive man.
  primitive cell 0.72   It displays photographs, confessions and primitive cells and torture chambers.
  primitive tool 0.72   The slopes of Olduvai Gorge are littered with thousands of primitive stone tools.
  primitive weapon 0.66   The use of primitive weapons kept casualty figures low.
  primitive level 0.59   On a primitive symbolic level, yeah.
  primitive state 0.59   The children were in a primitive state.
  primitive equipment 0.53   They climbed with primitive equipment.
  primitive road 0.46   Jeeps traveling over primitive roads and bridges.
  primitive campsite 0.39   In addition, the park has many primitive campsites.
  primitive human 0.39   Gazoo has been sent to Earth to observe the mating habits of primitive humans.
  primitive plant 0.39   Club moss, very primitive plant, no true roots, stems, or leaves.
  primitive site 0.39   Facilities include campsites with water and electricity, as well as primitive sites.
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