pricing policy 6.32   ...a pricing policy that was aimed at profit maximisation.
  pricing pressure 4.54   Compaq also battled fierce pricing pressure in Japan.
  pricing plan 4.28   It also promised a low pricing plan.
  pricing system 4.28   ALL BOLD - What about the pricing system?
  pricing structure 3.82   He ruled out any backtracking on the new pricing structure.
  pricing practice 3.62   Brink said there was no evidence of illegal pricing practices.
  pricing formula 3.55   A pricing formula also needs to be approved.
  pricing strategy 3.36   There goes my pricing strategy.
  pricing information 2.04   Pricing information is not yet available.
  pricing scheme 1.91   Several legislators denounced the dual pricing scheme.
  pricing mechanism 1.78   Generally, UK exchanges intervene in the pricing mechanism only exceptionally.
  pricing power 1.78   That provided some pricing power to corporations.
  pricing model 1.32   The pricing models are still being decided.
  pricing rule 1.25   Yet, among the conditions Bell Atlantic and Nynex have agreed to are interconnection pricing rules.
  pricing problem 0.99   Pricing problems will surely arise again.
  pricing service 0.99   Until October, Heartland relied largely on a pricing service.
  pricing flexibility 0.92   Regular retailers also have more pricing flexibility.
  pricing issue 0.92   Day indicated that the company is still working out pricing issues.
  pricing competition 0.72   And if pricing competition does not eat up profits, strategist like Charles Clough at Merrill Lynch suggest that other factors will.
  pricing decision 0.72   For its part, Goldman stands by its pricing decision.
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