preventative measure 3.75   In future you take preventative measures.
  preventative detention 0.99   He was then placed in preventative detention.
  preventative action 0.72   But the police failed to take preventative action, he added.
  preventative medicine 0.66   They tout preventative medicine.
  preventative care 0.53   Among the uninsured, preventative care is rare.
  preventative maintenance 0.53   Carry out a preventative maintenance programme.
  preventative treatment 0.39   For that, a preventative treatment had been produced.
  preventative security 0.33   Two of the men were from Palestinian military intelligence while another was a preventative security officer, they said.
  preventative step 0.33   All doctors can do now is recommend preventative steps to stop further bone loss.
  preventative peacekeeping 0.26   Its veto would be a major blow to the United Nations, which has held up the Macedonia mission as a model of preventative peacekeeping.
  preventative service 0.26   That figure has referred to preventative services.
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