prevailing wind 6.98   ...a prevailing westerly wind.
  prevailing view 5.99   That appears to remain the prevailing view.
  prevailing wage 3.62   Whose prevailing wage?
  prevailing wisdom 3.23   The prevailing wisdom?
  prevailing mood 2.50   Pescante summed up the prevailing mood.
  prevailing sentiment 2.44   The prevailing sentiment?
  prevailing attitude 2.37   Their designs reflect prevailing social attitudes.
  prevailing theory 2.24   The prevailing theory is that Tucson is a basketball town.
  prevailing opinion 1.65   Prevailing opinion agrees.
  prevailing rate 1.38   This requires an initial toll call to the United States at the prevailing local rate.
  prevailing market 1.18   Under the prevailing market conditions, they cannot afford the luxury to be picky.
  prevailing climate 0.92   In the prevailing climate, one slip can lead to a precipitous fall.
  prevailing situation 0.92   This, unfortunately, is the prevailing situation, and it will not lead to anything good.
  prevailing condition 0.86   Given the prevailing conditions, the outcome could not have been otherwise.
  prevailing belief 0.79   The prevailing belief is that married men tend to live longer.
  prevailing feeling 0.79   Such was the prevailing feeling.
  prevailing trend 0.72   Prevailing trends, however, were seldom ignored.
  prevailing notion 0.66   But one prevailing notion seemed real.
  prevailing theme 0.66   Color is a prevailing theme.
  prevailing circumstance 0.59   Most business people agree it is the best possible budget in the prevailing circumstances.
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