post be 19.62   No post is good news.
  post go 3.88   What time does the post go?
  post remain 2.44   The post remains vacant.
  post come 1.51   But the post came just in time.
  post have 1.45   The post has a four year tenure.
  post give 1.25   The part-time post at Newcomb gave him a fresh challenge.
  post include 1.05   Her posts have included Hong Kong, Thailand, Tunisia and Iraq.
  post say 0.92   Post said she did not regret donating.
  post become 0.86   When the post became vacant it was offered to Wendy Brooks.
  post require 0.59   The post requires confirmation by the Senate.
  post hold 0.53   The post of president holds relatively little political power.
  post take 0.53   These four posts take the strain of the whole structure.
  post rotate 0.46   The post rotates monthly.
  post allow 0.39   The post allowed U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan a stab at humor.
  post offer 0.39   Some American Legion posts offer free burnings.
  post send 0.39   Where it is necessary for any goods to be sent by post please make allowance for this in your remittance.
  post bring 0.26   The post has brought him and his law partners millions of dollars in lobbying fees.
  post close 0.26   Nevertheless, the decline in the number of veterans has caused some posts to close or consolidate.
  post keep 0.26   His third post will likely keep him in touch with corporations.
  post mark 0.26   A post marks the corner of the property.
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