portray woman 3.55   Many fairy tales portray women as victims.
  portray character 2.63   I want to portray characters that grow.
  portray people 1.84   And we were portraying people who were going crazy.
  portray man 1.71   Another portrays a man pulling a rickshaw.
  portray life 1.65   Prime-time dramas portray their lives.
  portray president 1.58   What will change is how the president is portrayed.
  portray opponent 0.99   Chabot portrays his opponent as a tax-and-spend liberal.
  portray case 0.86   Boston University has portrayed the case as a battle over academic freedom.
  portray decision 0.86   Saddam tried to portray his decision as a victory for Iraq.
  portray black 0.79   That means it can come closer to portraying true black.
  portray scene 0.79   A love scene can be portrayed by wrapping a scarf around a hat.
  portray war 0.79   They invariably portrayed the war as a heroic victory for the entire nation.
  portray client 0.72   He portrayed his client as a victim.
  portray government 0.72   More startling is the turnaround in how government in general is portrayed.
  portray mother 0.72   Jewish mothers are portrayed as uber-kvetchers.
  portray child 0.66   Hosking also tends to portray the children beatifically.
  portray company 0.66   The quarterly results scarcely portray a company that is surging ahead.
  portray conflict 0.66   How is this conflict portrayed?
  portray country 0.66   It portrays the country as a bastion of free speech and tolerance.
  portray deal 0.66   Critics have portrayed the deal as thinly-disguised bribes.
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