populist rhetoric 1.91   They offer populist rhetoric challenging world capitalism.
  populist politician 1.78   She is the consummate populist politician.
  populist leader 1.58   U.S.-led forces returned the populist leader to power last fall.
  populist appeal 1.32   This has populist appeal, but it is risky.
  populist campaign 1.12   Populist campaigns usually arise from adversity.
  populist message 0.86   It is a populist message that plays well in the region.
  populist movement 0.86   Polls have predicted gains for the socialists and the populist movement represented by Blocher.
  populist party 0.79   The Danes have a long tradition of right-wing populist parties of discontent.
  populist candidate 0.72   A populist candidate, Ronna Romney, is struggling to retain an early lead.
  populist measure 0.72   Ironically, the conservatives have been proposing populist measures.
  populist platform 0.72   Toledo campaigned largely on a populist platform.
  populist policy 0.72   It could also slow down the economic reforms as Rao tries to counter the populist policies of his opponents.
  populist theme 0.72   I kept noticing that populist themes and characters predominated.
  populist politics 0.66   Many people hated him for his populist politics.
  populist promise 0.66   It no longer delivered on the populist promises of its founders.
  populist image 0.59   He cultivates a populist image and brings in foreign investment.
  populist issue 0.59   The populist issue has paled.
  populist priest 0.59   Aristide, the populist priest, is widely expected to run, and is favored to win.
  populist program 0.59   It also had populist spending programs.
  populist idea 0.53   Presented as a populist idea, Santorum expressed optimism that it will.
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