population be 35.35   And population is up or stable.
  population grow 11.65   This population is growing steadily.
  population have 3.55   Yes, populations have, have increased.
  population continue 3.16   Population will continue to grow.
  population increase 3.16   That population has only increased since then.
  population become 2.37   The population was becoming working class.
  population begin 1.97   The rhino population even began to grow.
  population swell 1.91   Population Swells in Western Mont.
  population decline 1.84   Other ant populations also have declined.
  population live 1.84   The population could live until spring.
  population explode 1.65   The snail population exploded.
  population dwindle 1.51   Fish populations dwindled.
  population rise 1.38   The homeless population is rising.
  population soar 1.32   Northern Marianas population soars.
  population remain 1.25   Half the population remains desperately poor.
  population suffer 1.25   Over half the population suffers from back pain at some point in their lives.
  population boom 1.18   But the human population is booming.
  population expand 1.12   The elderly population is expanding.
  population get 1.12   The population is getting older.
  population recover 1.12   The deer population recovered quickly.
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