populated area 34.36   Populated areas are being hit.
  populated region 4.34   This is the most densely populated region in the country.
  populated state 1.97   Polls are closed in the heavily populated eastern states.
  populated neighborhood 1.78   The North End was the most densely populated neighborhood in Boston.
  populated city 1.45   A densely populated city, it in no way resembles Purchase.
  populated island 1.32   The government regularly moves rural families to less densely populated islands.
  populated part 1.25   Croton has the most densely populated part of this area.
  populated suburb 1.18   One of the missiles came down in a heavily populated suburb of Beirut.
  populated district 0.99   Kowloon is the most densely populated district in the world.
  populated country 0.66   That was even the case in India, the second-most populated country on the planet.
  populated center 0.59   The killers then moved into the more densely populated center of the village.
  populated nation 0.59   The sparsely populated nation lies between the two countries.
  populated village 0.59   Majdan is the last remaining populated village in the enormous slab of territory.
  populated county 0.53   San Juan County is not the most sparsely populated county in Colorado.
  populated town 0.53   The guerrillas launched their rockets from densely populated towns.
  populated community 0.39   Nearby Mobile is now a sparsely populated community.
  populated border 0.33   For two years the war has been fought in short, fierce bursts along a thinly populated border.
  populated coast 0.33   Pakistan has very few natural harbors, but the thinly populated coast is a paradise for smugglers.
  populated jungle 0.33   The sparsely populated jungle area known as the Cordillera del Condor has gold, uranium and possibly oil reserves.
  populated section 0.33   The region is in Irian Jaya, the sparsely populated Indonesian section of New Guinea.
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