pool be 18.83   The pool is deep.
  pool have 2.44   The pool had several water chutes.
  pool include 1.05   The pool will include money from major league television and properties.
  pool become 0.99   So the pool becomes strange.
  pool say 0.79   Pool said he is hiring three, and training six more.
  pool dry_up 0.72   But that pool is drying up.
  pool consist 0.66   Half the pool will consist of stock options and half cash.
  pool shrink 0.66   First, the available pool is shrinking.
  pool remain 0.59   Only tiny pools of water remain.
  pool make 0.53   How much difference can the UT pool make?
  pool open 0.53   A couple of years later a city pool would open.
  pool grow 0.46   That pool is growing wider all the time.
  pool lie 0.39   Behind a grey stone wall lay a little pool.
  pool offer 0.39   The existing pool offered too little genetic diversity to support energetic research, they said.
  pool stain 0.39   Pools of blood stained the sidewalk.
  pool expand 0.33   Think of how the talent pool would expand if we hired leaders as free agents.
  pool fill 0.33   White House pool filled to brim with Jack Daniels.
  pool form 0.33   Pools of water formed in rare.
  pool provide 0.33   The pools provide warmer, calmer water than the ocean for swimming.
  pool seem 0.33   Pools may seem fun and simple.
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