pontiff be 1.84   The pontiff is due there at the end of April.
  pontiff say 1.18   The pontiff said human life is a divine gift.
  pontiff arrive 1.05   Pontiff arrives in Bulgaria for four-day visit.
  pontiff make 0.72   The pontiff also has made improving Catholic-Orthodox bonds a principal goal.
  pontiff visit 0.72   On Sunday, the pontiff visits the Omayyad Mosque in Damascus.
  pontiff express 0.59   The pontiff long has expressed his goal to visit the holy city by the new millennium.
  pontiff meet 0.59   Later Saturday, the pontiff met Croatian President Franjo Tudjman at his palace in the capital Zagreb.
  pontiff call 0.53   During that pilgrimage, the pontiff called for an end to the U.S. economic embargo on Cuba.
  pontiff travel 0.53   The pontiff will then travel to Syria and Malta.
  pontiff leave 0.46   The pontiff leaves for Malta on Tuesday.
  pontiff use 0.46   The pontiff used a cane for support, as he has done for some time now.
  pontiff celebrate 0.39   The pontiff will celebrate Masses in Havana, Santa Clara and Camaguey during his stay.
  pontiff have 0.39   The pontiff has familiarity with specialists from that field.
  pontiff speak 0.39   As the pontiff speaks against the death penalty, Rigali said, the pope is also denouncing violence.
  pontiff ask 0.33   Milingo said Wednesday the pontiff asked him to think about what he had done.
  pontiff move 0.33   The pontiff moves with ever-increasing difficulty these days.
  pontiff take 0.33   The wind was so strong that the pontiff took his miter off as he spoke.
  pontiff undergo 0.33   Heart specialist Attilio Masera said the pontiff had undergone blood pressure and heart tests as well as a scan.
  pontiff urge 0.33   The pontiff urged the families of those in prison to not give up.
  pontiff walk 0.33   Since that operation, the frail pontiff has walked slowly, using a cane.
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