ponder question 5.46   She ponders the question.
  ponder future 4.74   Pondering the future.
  ponder possibility 1.38   But he still ponders the possibilities.
  ponder issue 1.32   They have been pondering the issues that are taking place.
  ponder option 1.32   Skelly is still pondering his options.
  ponder way 0.99   Activists ponder ways to reduce her ranks.
  ponder retirement 0.92   Hitting coach Lee Elia is pondering retirement.
  ponder fate 0.86   Which leaves us to ponder the fate of Julianne Moore.
  ponder meaning 0.72   Trend-watchers can ponder the meaning of other changes.
  ponder problem 0.72   Engineers pondered the problem.
  ponder life 0.66   High schoolers ponder life.
  ponder change 0.59   Cooper is still pondering such changes.
  ponder choice 0.59   President-in-waiting Thabo Mbeki ponders Cabinet choices.
  ponder decision 0.59   There was certainly little time to ponder decisions.
  ponder idea 0.59   Paxton pondered the idea carefully.
  ponder move 0.59   That left the producers pondering further moves for Wednesday night.
  ponder mystery 0.59   That was my introduction to world economic interdependence, and I pondered its mysteries.
  ponder prospect 0.59   He would not be George if he did not ponder that prospect.
  ponder implication 0.46   Ponder its implications.
  ponder offer 0.39   Ward has pondered offers to play US football instead of basketball.
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