planting season 6.71   It is planting season here.
  planting delay 3.09   Strength in soybean futures also came from planting delays.
  planting tree 2.50   Delay planting trees and shrubs until fall.
  planting evidence 1.97   He accused the police of planting evidence.
  planting bomb 1.58   Police are accused of planting bombs and torturing and killing anti-apartheid activists.
  planting progress 1.45   Gains were offset by good planting progress in the Midwest.
  planting area 1.12   And how much sun does your planting area get?
  planting time 1.12   It will be planting time at Sundance Gardens.
  planting restriction 0.99   Planting restrictions end.
  planting condition 0.86   But wheat fell in a continuing decline due to improved planting conditions.
  planting crop 0.79   Farmers burn their fields in preparation for planting crops.
  planting seed 0.79   Planting five seeds would have been a felony.
  planting corn 0.66   Mud has kept many farmers from planting corn.
  planting pace 0.66   A speedier planting pace also weighed on the market.
  planting schedule 0.59   The planting schedule was in line with trade expectations.
  planting bed 0.53   Every planting bed got extra compost.
  planting explosive 0.53   There are pages devoted to planting explosives in table lamps, garden gates and even fountain pens.
  planting operation 0.53   Corn planting operations, and to a slight extent soybeans, were interrupted by spring rains.
  planting weather 0.53   The price of soybeans was under pressure as a result of favorable planting weather.
  planting flower 0.46   Sunday afternoon we were planting flowers.
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