planted tree 1.45   Keep a newly planted tree watered.
  planted crop 1.38   Planted crops are beginning to wilt.
  planted evidence 0.79   He claimed officers planted evidence, shot and wounded people, and lied in court to gain convictions.
  planted flower 0.53   Fresh paint jobs and newly planted flowers provided a fresh backdrop to old routines.
  planted field 0.39   No planted fields.
  planted fish 0.33   However, higher nitrate levels in the water cannot support planted fish.
  planted garden 0.33   Windows face the pool and the newly planted garden.
  planted grape 0.26   It is the most widely planted white grape in Piedmont.
  planted grass 0.26   Or talk about the growth of the planted grass on his ranch, or the bass pond.
  planted row 0.26   A gentle breeze barely kisses the neatly planted rows of peas.
  planted seed 0.26   She believes the moon draws moisture in the soil toward the surface, where it benefits newly planted seeds.
  planted vine 0.26   He seized the land illegally, built terraces and planted vines there.
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