planet be 8.82   Planets are circular.
  planet have 2.24   Do all the planets have moons?
  planet orbit 1.32   The planets orbit around the sun.
  planet form 1.12   The very beginning, when the planets in the solar system were forming.
  planet exist 0.53   But such telescopes could do no more than tell us that the planets exist.
  planet move 0.53   The planets move as they should and the sun shines.
  planet appear 0.46   Extrasolar planets have now appeared almost next door to the solar system, too.
  planet remain 0.39   So the planet remained a barren rock.
  planet rotate 0.39   The planets rotate around the sun.
  planet turn 0.39   The planet turns round once every twenty four hours.
  planet warm 0.39   On the other hand, the planet has been warming somewhat.
  planet align 0.33   But the planets have aligned.
  planet come 0.33   All the planets are coming into alignment.
  planet face 0.33   Some environmentalists have concluded that the planet faces certain doom.
  planet seem 0.33   The planets will seem to be in a fairly straight line.
  planet cool 0.26   The planet cooled as a result.
  planet do 0.26   What are the planets doing?
  planet grow 0.26   The planet grows to fill the screen, the saucer glows as it passes into the atmosphere.
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