pilot be 46.21   Believed to be a pilot.
  pilot say 19.29   The pilot said they were.
  pilot have 15.08   Even pilots had their doubts.
  pilot fly 12.44   Luke pilots flew seven of them.
  pilot report 12.38   The helicopter pilots reported in by radio.
  pilot eject 6.98   Pilot ejected.
  pilot try 6.19   That pilot was trying to sink his ship.
  pilot see 5.00   The pilots see it differently.
  pilot take 4.81   Pilots took turns sleeping.
  pilot make 4.48   Pilots usually make the ultimate call.
  pilot die 4.21   One pilot died.
  pilot manage 4.08   The pilot managed to eject.
  pilot get 3.82   Pilot gets six months in prison.
  pilot use 3.62   The pilots had been using night-vision goggles.
  pilot tell 3.55   Our pilots told us nothing.
  pilot miss 3.23   The pilot missed it.
  pilot go 2.96   But the pilot went ahead with the takeoff.
  pilot refuse 2.96   The pilot had refused to fly to North Vietnam.
  pilot carry 2.83   The pilots carry other preoccupations, too.
  pilot radio 2.76   The pilot radioed in to the control tower.
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