phone ring 44.83   The phone rang.
  phone be 21.99   Car phones are big.
  phone reach 6.52   He could not be reached by phone.
  phone have 3.88   The phones had dials.
  phone contact 3.55   Court officials contacted by phone declined comment.
  phone go 3.49   The phone went dead.
  phone work 2.96   The phones work.
  phone start 2.90   The phone started to ring.
  phone stop 2.04   The phones never stop.
  phone call 1.97   The phone calls.
  phone begin 1.91   The phone began ringing.
  phone talk 1.65   On Thursday, the two talked by phone again.
  phone interview 1.32   He was interviewed by phone in Damascus.
  phone keep 1.25   Phones keep ringing.
  phone come 1.18   Portable phones come in two sizes.
  phone say 1.18   Bill phones up says, can I speak to somebody?
  phone make 0.92   The phone made nasty sounds.
  phone become 0.72   The phone also becomes a vehicle for separation.
  phone offer 0.72   Digital phones also offer more privacy.
  phone use 0.72   The phones use the popular GSM system.
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