phase diagram 1.05   This is represented by the tie-line CD in the phase diagram.
  phase shift 0.99   The parameter beta represents the phase shift introduced by a section.
  phase change 0.86   The elbows in the lines indicate phase changes-melting or boiling --of the metals.
  phase separation 0.59   Ahuja broadly reviews liquid phase chiral separations.
  phase trial 0.59   This was a phase II trial, the contract explained.
  phase equilibrium 0.46   In this section we shall be examining phase equilibria of some heterogeneous mixtures.
  phase space 0.39   Do regions in phase space tend to spread with time or do they not?
  phase transition 0.39   Is it a phase transition?
  phase play 0.33   The try was set up from second phase play after an excellent break from Du Toit.
  phase duration 0.26   The flow cytometrically derived S phase duration was similar in gastric body and antral cells.
  phase group 0.26   Costa Rica have been drawn in the same World Cup first phase group as Brazil, Turkey and China.
  phase project 0.26   Establish day care as the first phase building project.
  phase response 0.26   The acute phase response also involves changes in the plasma concentrations of a number of liver synthesised proteins.
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