pervasive influence 1.97   She was its pervasive influence.
  pervasive corruption 1.91   Then, there is the pervasive corruption.
  pervasive sense 1.71   There is a pervasive sense of regimentation and order.
  pervasive problem 1.38   Perhaps the most pervasive problem is the sheer lack of doctors.
  pervasive theme 0.66   All of these were pervasive themes in the recent past.
  pervasive fear 0.59   A fear so pervasive you can touch it and almost taste it.
  pervasive feeling 0.53   That was a pervasive feeling.
  pervasive violence 0.46   The pervasive anti-Serb violence plays into the hands of Slobodan Milosevic.
  pervasive pattern 0.39   This has to go beyond Monica to show some pervasive pattern of abuse.
  pervasive presence 0.39   The boar is a fairly pervasive presence here.
  pervasive culture 0.33   The biggest obstacle, Reed said, will be overcoming the pervasive culture of drinking.
  pervasive force 0.33   The economic pull of the video market is perhaps the most pervasive force.
  pervasive poverty 0.33   In the theater district, staging serves a practical function by obscuring a pervasive poverty of musical imagination.
  pervasive role 0.33   Whatever happens, it would take some doing to go back to the pervasive military role of the past.
  pervasive distrust 0.26   But he echoed the pervasive national distrust of the U.S. government.
  pervasive drug 0.26   The much larger scandal of pervasive drug use goes unchecked.
  pervasive government 0.26   Investors are discouraged by slow market reforms, high taxes and pervasive government regulations.
  pervasive language 0.26   Rated R for violence, pervasive language and some sexuality.
  pervasive medium 0.26   Television had become the pervasive medium.
  pervasive mentality 0.26   Now, both are reflective of a pervasive mentality, a game in transition.
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