permanent member 69.06   No other permanent member now takes that position.
  permanent peace 25.61   Permanent peace remains as elusive as ever.
  permanent resident 20.61   Most are permanent residents.
  permanent seat 16.13   Africa has no permanent council seat.
  permanent residency 14.29   He has applied for permanent residency.
  permanent home 13.23   He had gained a permanent home.
  permanent damage 12.05   Sounds like permanent damage to me!
  permanent replacement 11.92   No permanent replacement was named.
  permanent trade 10.86   Bush grants permanent normal trade relations to China.
  permanent collection 9.81   It will have no permanent collection.
  permanent residence 9.48   Artists are in permanent residence.
  permanent job 9.08   ...a permanent job.
  permanent status 8.76   He granted him permanent resident status.
  permanent secretary 6.98   He would have been a jolly good permanent secretary.
  permanent settlement 6.58   Mexico and start a permanent settlement.
  permanent basis 6.19   Not on a permanent basis.
  permanent solution 5.99   This is not a permanent solution.
  permanent place 4.94   Plant in a pot or permanent place.
  permanent injunction 4.74   The museum will now seek a permanent injunction.
  permanent presence 4.54   However, he ruled out a permanent military presence.
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