patient care 19.09   Has the shortage harmed patient care?
  patient record 4.28   Keep patient records confidential.
  patient protection 4.02   Massachusetts also lacks patient protections.
  patient confidentiality 3.82   But breaches of patient confidentiality do occur.
  patient advocate 3.62   But patient advocates are skeptical.
  patient group 3.16   Other patient groups followed suit.
  patient safety 2.37   It comes back to patient safety.
  patient satisfaction 1.97   So, clearly, patient satisfaction runs high.
  patient information 1.84   So he dictates patient information instead of typing.
  patient right 1.65   Concerned about patient rights under HMOs.
  patient advocacy 1.45   Patient advocacy groups hailed the study.
  patient investor 1.45   Ms. Vale is a patient investor.
  patient death 1.32   Patient deaths are frequently blamed on the shortages.
  patient population 1.32   How big is the patient population?
  patient man 1.25   He is not a patient man.
  patient lawsuit 1.18   But lawmakers mostly disagree over patient lawsuits.
  patient access 1.12   We started this project for patient access.
  patient service 1.12   Milburn said patient services would still be free and based on need.
  patient referral 1.05   As a result, he lost all patient referrals from fellow doctors.
  patient load 0.92   Yet patient load alone cannot account for the salary gap.
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