pass along 56.29   And never pass them along.
  pass without 39.57   A week passed without results.
  pass in 24.42   Grief passes in time.
  pass with 23.57   All can pass with flair.
  pass around 17.77   And praise was passed around the room.
  pass before 16.06   My life did not pass before my eyes.
  pass by 14.68   People busily pass by him.
  pass since 9.15   Six weeks have passed since then.
  pass at 8.89   Pass at the table.
  pass across 7.64   A look of sadness passes across his face.
  pass after 6.12   The bill passed soon after.
  pass out_of 5.27   Pass out of bounds.
  pass during 4.48   We expect to get these laws passed during the present parliament.
  pass within 3.16   The House passed it within days.
  pass down 2.57   The woman passed her down time crocheting.
  pass like 2.24   They pass like a rash.
  pass off 1.65   Bryant passed off most of the uproar as media hype.
  pass despite 1.51   The bill passed despite lobbying by some Navajo communities.
  pass for 1.38   Or pass it for another.
  pass round 1.38   Can you pass them round please, one between two.
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