parliament approve 38.25   Parliament approved it in February.
  parliament be 27.85   What a hung parliament is?
  parliament pass 25.08   Parliament passes wiretapping bill.
  parliament vote 21.40   Parliament will then vote on the draft.
  parliament have 15.08   Parliament still has to approve the plan.
  parliament adopt 9.22   Parliament adopts a new constitution.
  parliament meet 9.08   Bosnian parliament meets.
  parliament ratify 7.64   Parliament ratified it last year.
  parliament reject 6.25   Parliament rejected the report.
  parliament debate 5.86   Parliament is debating the changes.
  parliament convene 5.53   Parliament next convenes in July.
  parliament decide 5.20   Parliament decides to move to Berlin.
  parliament begin 4.81   Parliament begins no-confidence debate.
  parliament elect 4.54   Parliament elects the president.
  parliament fail 4.34   Parliament fails to set runoff date.
  parliament give 4.15   Parliament gave its assent to war.
  parliament agree 3.82   Parliament agreed to their demands.
  parliament call 3.55   Parliament calls for Albanians to support Kosovars.
  parliament hold 3.49   Parliament has held debates on racism.
  parliament consider 3.09   Parliament is currently considering the bill.
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