parade be 12.57   The parade is free.
  parade begin 2.17   The parade began.
  parade go 1.78   But the fashion parades go by so fast!
  parade pass 1.38   The five-ringed parade had passed without them.
  parade end 1.32   The parade ended on a triumphal note.
  parade feature 1.32   Parade features carriage from movie.
  parade have 0.99   The parade had more than a dozen floats.
  parade march 0.99   A Veterans Day parade marches on Tremont Avenue.
  parade start 0.99   The parade started right on time.
  parade come 0.92   The parade has come and gone as often as the tide.
  parade include 0.86   The parade included delegations from every military garrison in the country.
  parade continue 0.79   The parade of executions continues.
  parade take 0.72   The parade never took place.
  parade follow 0.59   A steady parade of composers followed.
  parade pass_by 0.46   Nobody wants to watch the parade pass them by.
  parade draw 0.39   The parade drew unexpected critics.
  parade wind 0.39   The parade winds down Lower Hughes Trail at Winter Park Ski Resort.
  parade make 0.33   The maritime parade will make its way north up the Genesee River from the canal.
  parade bring 0.26   But the parade also brought out a quieter spirit.
  parade commemorate 0.26   The annual parade commemorates the soldiers who died in the two World Wars.
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