panamanian government 3.03   The Panamanian government says it is studying his request.
  panamanian official 2.90   Panamanian officials call it nonsense.
  panamanian police 1.32   Panamanian police found one body and US troops found the other, she said.
  panamanian flag 1.12   It was flying under a Panamanian flag.
  panamanian authority 0.99   Neither U.S. nor Panamanian authorities have charged him with any crime.
  panamanian company 0.86   The Game Boy was owned by the Panamanian company Video Go GWGO SA.
  panamanian dictator 0.72   Bob Hoskins stars as the Panamanian dictator.
  panamanian leader 0.72   The Panamanian leader is in Peru as an observer to a summit that has brought together leaders of Andean countries.
  panamanian freighter 0.53   Nine others survived and were rescued by a passing Panamanian freighter.
  panamanian border 0.46   ...the isolated jungle area near the Panamanian border.
  panamanian president 0.46   New Panamanian president turns the tables on the past.
  panamanian striker 0.46   Two minutes later Panamanian striker Dely Valdes equalised with a stunning scissor-kick.
  panamanian strongman 0.46   A painting of Calvin Coolidge rests adjacent to the handcuffs used to capture Panamanian strongman Manuel Noriega on drug charges.
  panamanian ship 0.39   The Panamanian ship was not damaged and was expected to continue its voyage.
  panamanian control 0.33   Two bases reverted to Panamanian control last Saturday.
  panamanian firm 0.33   They argued that Bongo was the legal owner of the account, opened at a foreign bank in Geneva in the name of a Panamanian firm.
  panamanian citizen 0.26   The last banker to be kidnapped in Panama was Panamanian citizen Sam Kardonsky.
  panamanian law 0.26   But the camps are legally on Panamanian territory, where Panamanian laws apply.
  panamanian newspaper 0.26   After that fight, Panamanian newspapers begged him to retire, for his own sake.
  panamanian worker 0.26   Panamanian workers were paid less and subjected to U.S. laws within the zone.
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