overturned car 2.63   Overturned cars littered the area.
  overturned boat 1.25   The dead woman was found trapped inside the overturned boat.
  overturned truck 0.79   At least two cars smashed into the overturned truck.
  overturned vehicle 0.66   Gunmen then opened fire on the overturned vehicle, the Interfax news agency reported.
  overturned carriage 0.59   Four dead victims could be seen trapped inside one overturned carriage.
  overturned chair 0.59   A pig forages just outside amid a clutter of overturned chairs.
  overturned table 0.59   Ransacked drawers and overturned tables are everywhere.
  overturned furniture 0.39   People rushed into the streets as the tremors shook houses, overturned furniture and sent roof tiles crashing.
  overturned garbage 0.33   Salah a-Din was blocked with a flaming barricade of overturned garbage bins.
  overturned yacht 0.33   He found the overturned yacht but saw no sign of Autissier.
  overturned conviction 0.26   Both Ross or Brackman said they did not expect the overturned conviction to reignite tension in Crown Heights.
  overturned earth 0.26   But overturned earth suggested the recent presence of excavating equipment.
  overturned hull 0.26   Others said they scrambled atop the overturned hull and had to listen to the knocking of people imprisoned beneath them.
  overturned trash 0.26   From Jerusalem to Hebron, the landscape Saturday was littered with rocks, overturned trash containers and burned tires.
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